...and then i did the funky chicken
So, last night (my last in Dublin) I found myself unable to sleep after a great 3 hours of awesome swing dancing at a local bar/dance (it was by far the least touristy thing I did whilst in Dublin, so I felt proud of that)...I was muching on some digestives in the hostel common room/kitchen when Pablo (a nice gent from Uruguay) and his friends invited me out on the town...it was 1:30 AM and I wasn't tired, so i thought, why not?There we were, an American, the French, Spaniards, Polish, Uruguayans, Argentineans, Isralies, Italians, Australians, wandering the Temple Bar district amongst other internationals and, of course, the (by this time staggering and drunk) Irish. We found our way into the 'Mezz,' where conicidentaly I had spent an evening eating alone and feeling sorry for myself 2 days past.
The scene was straight from a movie (an AWESOME movie) - a 5 person FUNK BAND, blasting out hits from George Clinton, James Brown, and more, along with Motown favorites. I was in heaven, and I couldnt' help but compare the experience to mine of just 2 nights ago...where I had previously sat, tired and alone, I now did the funky chicken and felt generally merry. I suppose the point of this is that I needed to actually use the hostel as more than a resting place - i needed to meet people rather than expecting them to just come up to me, and when this happened, i finally felt like myself again!
Unfortunately, that's all I have time for now - i'm presently in the western part of the country and will write more soon! | posted by Cheryl, 10/23/2005 10:48:00 AM
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