Cute married couple of the year award, and weddings to come...
So, as I was driving home from Bellevue today (in the typical 5:00 traffic jam which, on Fridays of yore, was the stuff of Mariah Carey car dances as I drove loads of friends home from the mall), I had such a nice chat with Shannon! She was my college roomate for 3 of the 4 years and now lives with the wonderful Christopher in Tacoma, Washington while he finishes the last 2 years of his service in the army!Once I figure out how to post pictures I'll put one up of her wedding last August.
Anyway, Chris just got lazer surgery on his eyes on Monday, and I was asking Shannon how she's doing with helping him heal. She said that he can't tolerate much light so they have to keep the whole apartment dark, he can't open his eyes very wide, and the biggest problem has been boredom. She's been helping to assuage that particular problem by reading him the "Chronicles of Narnia," among other things, as they cuddle in bed...
I would assume that after 3 full days of reading aloud in the dark (hey, how'd she do that, anyway?) Shannon might have started to resent him or wish she could do something different, but she was so sweet about it! She said she really enjoyed being able to just chill out in bed with him, spending time together reading and discussing the books, watching him play guitar, listening to music (and, when desperate, TV without the picture), etc.
I think that's just the sweetest thing! I wish I could describe how she said it better, but that's the best I can do - I tried to relay the story to Suraj on the phone later in the evening and he agreed that it was inspiring (and I'm sure he'd do the same for me if I had the surgery, which is sweet to think about, except for the whole scalpel-to-my-eyeball part).
Anyway, the way she framed the experience was just so genuine and from the heart, it made me so happy that Shannon and Chris stayed together for 5 years and were able to get married last summer!
Speaking of marriages, my sister bounded into our house last night with her fiance, Kevin, after 3 1/2 months in NAMIBIA, Africa! I was so impressed with how poised and collected she was, after a 12 hour flight from Capetown to London, then a 6 hour layover and a 9 hour flight from London to Seattle. I wish I could have been there for she and Kevin's reunion at the airport!
Anyway, I'm so excited for chatting more with her about the trip; tonight she showed us some pictures of, among other things: black rhinos, cheetahs, lions, lots of antelope-like-thingies, ostrich, zebra, giraffes (with babies!), and cool birds...oh yeah, and cool people as well!
For now, I think she's looking forward to re-assimilating into life here and planning her wedding for March (only 3 months away), which will be, of course, at the Woodland Park ZOO! I can't wait... | posted by Cheryl, 12/16/2005 12:02:00 AM
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