What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all About???



I have a theory about Seattle-ites, and I suppose it really just is an extension of the general concept of relativity, but the theory is that because we have so many degrees of rainy and cloudy days, we truly appreciate our sun breaks and sunny days way more than the average person!

Today, the first truly warm/sunny day of the year, there was just a bounce in my step...perhaps it's from living in new york for a few years, but I often get this strong sense of dejavu in the spring, with all the smells of flowers and grass; it brings me back to the days of spring runs with the track team and sunny Saturday morning soccer games and lazy summer days on the lake with friends!

It's not just the sun that we appreciate, but the clouds as well! I had forgotten how lovely it is to watch the clouds change shades as it gets closer to nighttime...last night, my good friend David Levitt and I were driving home from the U district, across I-90 and Lake Washington, and were totally struck silent by how deep and darkly blue the sky and water were...

I LOVE living here!
| posted by Cheryl, 4/18/2006 08:17:00 PM


People go INSANE when it's sunny. It's annoying. People suck. hahhahaa.

Anonymous Anonymous, at May 07, 2006 1:04 AM  

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