Boston Pics (out of order)
Here are pics from when my bestest buddy Kate (from Boston, whom I met at Vasasar) visited over July 4th weekend! You'll see me in a Kate sandwich (with other bestest buddy Kate Uvelli, with whom i've been friends since high school) at Volunteer park, then a pic of futuristic Vancouver (where Kate and I ate gelato at a place that had 100 flavors, including pear/gorgonzola/pine nut and balsamic vinegar!), then one of me, Kate and her friend Erin who happened to be in town on Queen Anne Hill with the Seattle skyline in the background. Finally, we have Kate on Alki beach! Not pictured are: a fantastic strawberry and raspberry picking trip, a walk around the University of Washington campus, shopping in Fremont, swing dancing, and lounging around my apartment!

| posted by Cheryl, 7/27/2006 10:14:00 AM

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