The power of photography
Well, photography is powerful in many ways: it can evoke emotions that words simply can't express; it can change people's views on things like war and conflict; it can connect children across cultures; i could go on and on. However, there is one oft-overlooked facet of photography that I'd like to explore now:
It can make me pretty!
The picture at left was taken by my coworker and master photographer Tania Westby ( I put it on my profile on a few social networking friends at the nudging of my friends, but I was hesitant to do so at first because i think it makes me look a lot better than I really look on a daily basis! However, now i've accepted that it's just fun to feel glamorous sometimes, and I'm proud of this picture.
I just can't believe that the picture at left represents the same person as the one on the below - i actually think that's a pretty good picture of me, but it's not nearly as evocative of a mood as the one on the left. But, it shows more how I look on a daily basis: hair back, not lots of make-up, etc. Anyway, it definitely hits home to me how just a little change in hairstyle/makeup but, more importantly, angle/expression can make you appear so different. In the age of facebook, myspace, and other social networking sites, the importance of one's "icon," that small picture that people will associate with your "profile," is at premium. When searching for one to embody Cheryl, i often get stuck between which side of me to portray; the silly laughing one? the serious studious one? the laid back one or the manic one? It's an interesting dilemma, and now, with Tania's help, I have another choice of the more glamorous shot!
One of my major goals this year is to get better at using my dad's nice dSLR so I can take cool portraits of my friends like the one Tania took. When she gave me the picture, she said, "You know, Cheryl, this is how I see you." That was so amazing to me, because I often see myself as that lovable dork, you know? But there is a different side of me to see, and I think it's so fantastic that she's able to show that not with words but with photography.

(dar! i can't figure out how to format this properly on my blog - apologies!)
I have been so into words my whole life, that I'm now really interested in photography as text (well, that is something i got into in college actually - thanks, Dr. Cohen! - but i'm really applying it in my professional life now with Bridges). I can't wait to see where this newfound love for photography takes me! My favorite pictures right now are ones that really show my friends' personalities; i'd like to get more into abstract stuff as well.
Below we have Adrienne and Jess goofing off at Bal Fest and then Brian, Anna (with new black hair!) and Adrienne laughing (my fave). Will post more soon! I feel as if i'm always rushing about these days...will have to slow

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