What me blog?
While planning for an upcoming trip to Ireland, Holland and Turkey, it dawned upon me that my much beloved "mass email" recipient list might enjoy a more visually friendly and technologically savvy means of checking in with me; thus, I find myself finally entering the "bloggosphere" (which really sounds more like a cool roller coaster than a network of weblogs). I see this blog as providing a means for family, friends and, I suppose, strangers to check up with me as I visit family, nanny and volunteer in Europe starting October 18, returning tentatively on December 20. After that point, I plan on entering what's affectionately known as the "real world," and look forward to providing anecdotes and random thoughts on life from here in Seattle!A few thoughts blogs (a topic of which I know very little): I've seen a few that focus on certain topics such as politics, babies, or sports, and others that tend to show random splices of what's on the author's mind at any given point in time. Given my sporatic personality and all the tangengial issues I find myself passionate about, I definitely see my blog falling into the latter category; consider yourselves warned!
A few thoughts on my blog specifically: I seriously considered titling this blog, "Diarreah of the Mouth" after a phrase my mother once aptly used to describe my penchant for what's lovingly known as self-expression (and less lovingly known as "never shutting up"). However, I figured I'd spare everyone the negative associations that the word "diarreah" might bring (although I must say, diarreah can often feel very relieving after it's over, don't you think?) and attempt for a more clever title. "Unfiltered Blather" rings a nice bell, and serves the dual purposes of self-deprication (if you end up not liking my thoughts, you can at least imagine that on some level I find them silly as well) as well as witticism (everything sounds wittier with British vernacular, am I wrong?). It also happens to be true, as I'm a known stranger to "processing time," or the lag between the time that a thought enters one's consciousness and leaves one's mouth. It's rather suprising I've taken so long to start a blog given my penchant for self-expression; better late than never, I suppose!
To end, a few thoughts on my favorite bumper sticker: "What if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about?" | posted by Cheryl, 9/28/2005 07:21:00 PM | 0 comments |