What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all About???

Holland = lots of bikes

The sun shone on Holland today. My aunt Carol Lynn and I put on our sunlasses and joined the throngs of Dutch bikers utilizing the multiple, beautifully structured bike paths that lined the gorgeous, tree-lined streets!

I love this country. I love thatched roofs, windmills, the flat land and the tall trees, and the WATER everywhere! We went to this gorgeous wetlands area, which of course can't be described without a visual component(i can't wait to figure out how to put my pictures up on this site).

I couldn't believe all the bikes everywhere - at the train station, there must have literally been 600. The combination of flat, picturesque lands and ridiculously high gas prices has fed into this cyclist-friendly culture where it's just expected that you bike to the market/grocery store rather than drive.

Along with saving the fuel, I've noticed that western europeans (well at least the brits and dutch) don't use plastic bags nearly as much as we do in the states - in fact, in Ireland there is a 15 euro cent charge on every plastic bag you use! When you put a price on it, it certainly makes you realize how much you waste. Go, Holland!
| posted by Cheryl, 10/27/2005 08:49:00 AM


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