What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all About???


So, i'm finally taking my doctor's advice and replacing running with lower impact sports like swimming and bicycling. Here's my assessment of the relative merits of these sports thus far:


Pros: It's free; you can do it ANYWHERE and in most any weather; feels incredible
Cons: Pound, pound, pounding on the joints can't be good if I'd like to walk in 50 years


Pros: Meeting nice, little old ladies in the locker room and in the lanes, thus satiating my need for community; softer on the joints; lanes allow for easy assessment of improvement
Cons: I HATE CHLORINE! CURSE YOU, AQUA SCUM! Here's a glimpse into my mind as attempt to breathe & get from one side of the lane to the other: "Breathe out through the nose, keep your chest down, oh shoot i need to breathe, get head out, aah my ear's filling with water now, don't twist your body across the lane while you turn your head up, WHAT, you call that a breath of AIR, keep head down, oh yeah keep kicking, oh shoot I need to BREATHE again!"


Pros: Covering vast distances with novel views; helmet and foot gear make one feel hard core; the thrill of going down a hill rarely dies; less impactful on the joints than running
Cons: Often involves some element of putting oneself near cars; annoying to store bike and take it in the car; have to work out longer for same cardio as running; hills hurt knees at times

Anyway, I pondered the relative merits of these sports while swimming at Mercer Island's Mary Wayte pool this morning. I love the learning curve when you try a new hobby - each time I swim, I feel better and better!

Here's what I learned today: a) it's helpful to think of myself working with the water, using it to my advantage, rather than just plunging through the water, and b) it feels much better if I breathe in often and remember to breathe out while i'm underwater!

I'm looking forward to more swimming, especially with the help of my pal Kate Uvelli, and cycling in the upcoming year! Tomorrow I start working at the UW Medical Center in my old office at the Operations and Maintenance Department - I can't wait!
| posted by Cheryl, 1/02/2006 02:44:00 PM


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