Visual Update
Man, I really haven't used this blog effectively as an update on my life, thoughts, etc for a while...I thought I'd catch up today by linking to my Flickr photo account and pasting a few notable pics here. For pics of my recent Emerald City Swing dance performance, see this page.In short, life is very good in Seattle right now! Work is really coming together - at Bridges, we're revamping our website, redesigning curriculum with a focus on Global Warming for the 07-08 school year, and I'm just continuing to learn a ton and enjoy my coworkers. My dance team had a performance in mid-June that got rave reviews (mostly our all-objective friends and family, of course)...I really enjoyed working as a team and was reminded quite often of sports teams, especially when everything came together at the very end for the "big match," or performance! Speaking of sports, I've joined 2 local co-ed soccer teams for the summer and am subbing on a few more, which has just been incredibly satisfying after a brief soccer hiatus.
pictured is my coworker Tania on a recent sailing trip we took at Bridges for staff bondingIn May, I was lucky enough to witness both my siblings' graduation ceremonies - Brian graduated from NYU Law and Michelle got her Bachelor's from Whitworth College. I really loved seeing Brian's apartment in Brooklyn, and I'm so psyched that Michelle is now living in Seattle! She and Kevin are going to get a puppy in August, I can't wait to see it.
pictured are Shelly and Kev at her graduation ceremony! see my Flickr for pics of Brian as well
This summer, I'm looking forward to spending time outside with friends, seeing 3 of my best friends get married, and helping organize a big swing dancing event in seattle called the Seattle Lindy Exchange. We're having a huge dance on Saturday, August 4th at the Naval Armory on Lake Union - you should come!
Well, this is the whirlwind update on my life as of now...I hope to post more regularly. I've been thinking more about my future goals, etc and hope to have some updates on decisions soon. Cheers!
pictured is my friend Danae and I at the Century Ballroom during a weekly Sunday night credit goes to the illustrious Ajay Salpekar :)