I am here.
I realized something today: I did make a decision. I decided to come to Europe, I am here, and there is no inherent purpose in this trip - I have to infuse this trip with meaning by my actions and attitude, so I might as well start now.I'm still deeply affected by what happened with Suraj and thinking about it at least hourly, but to be good to myself I have to focus on what I can do here, and how I can get the most out of this experience.
Let's catapault ourselves out of the abstract for a moment, shall we? Today I observed or did the following notable things:
1) I successfully ate a banana while riding a bicycle. The bicycle happened to be yellow, which made me smile. However, upon eating said banana, I realized I had nowhere to put it, so I surreptitiously donated it to the local population of cows and sheep; I'm sure they'll thank me someday!
2) I watched a young colt chase 4 sheep; the colt looked just like how I imagined "Black Beauty" when I read the book as a child. My joy upon seeing a horse doesn't seem to have waned through time and experience; while riding my bike through the fields of Holland, I felt much the same as I did in the backseat of my parents' car on the summer drives to Oregon, where I'd periodically cry out, "Horse! Horse! I see a horsie!" (even if there wasn't one).
3) Cartoons are still really funny in other languages. This shouldn't surprise me, but it made me smile.
4) Techno is cool in itself, but listening to it while shopping in europe brings it to a new level. I can't explain it, so take it for what it's worth!
5) My aunt simply rocks. I have been hesitant to blog about this because I don't sense she wants people to dwell on her condition, but suffice it to say she is going through some unpleasant physical changes and has an incredible attitude; she remains as strong, resilient, and as much of a role model as ever. She doesn't make excuses for not doing the things she loves and is passionate about, whether it be making jewelry, cards, or dancing. We've been having a blast going shopping, watching "The Weakest Link" over dinner each night, playing Canasta, and just talking about life, love, family, and all the important things. She also knows her limits and recognizes when to take a nap, which is another laudable skill. I'm so lucky to be here with her! | posted by Cheryl, 11/10/2005 11:08:00 AM
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