What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all About???

How do you make love stay?

How do you make love stay?

How do you make love stay?

How do you make love stay?
| posted by Cheryl, 3/12/2006 07:00:00 AM


Obviously you've been reading Tom Robbins. He does have some miraculous things to say, and in his own wacky ways, they totally make sense. Perhaps you have to find out the secret to everlasting life, or maybe become a crossdressing nun in Egypt, or snake-charm, or concoct beet perfume...In any case, I hope you're doing well, Cheryl, and send smiles your way!
P.S. You'll be the second person to check out my new blog, soon to be mass-emailed! midnightshoveler.blogspot.com for your viewing pleasure. :)

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