Behold, my back!
So, the Seattle Times featured an article today on the "Century Masters of Lindy Hop and Tap" event that starts aunt emailed me this morning to alert me that my back is, indeed, featured on the front page picture of the entertainment section! I am so proud. Tee hee. It IS exciting, just to know that not only is this amazing dance (which originated in Harlem in the 20s) alive and kicking today, I can watch/learn from the original innovators who are STILL loving this dance in their 90s!Not to sound defensive (ha!), but I feel compelled to add that in the past week I have completed the following non-dance activities: went on a hike at Hurricane Ridge with Shan, Chris, Mike and his friend Sarah, went roller blading and swimming with Courtney, went out for brunch with the high school posse, instrumented a team bonding event for the soccer team i'm helping coach, and...well, that's it. Hehe. It's just very easy to report on all the exciting stuff happening with swing because it's still new to me.
Anyway, I need to get back to work, but I had to post this before I forgot! | posted by Cheryl, 8/16/2006 09:46:00 AM
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