I Feel GOOD!

1) I finally decided to forgo dancing in order to get adaquate sleep. MY BRAIN FEELS SO MUCH BETTER, and I don't even miss dancing THAT much! (but i shall be out tonight)
2) My cold, which has been bothering me on and off for the last 2 1/2 months, seems to prefer Anna and has thus jumped into her side of the house (apologies, my dear roomate!). I'm still blowing my nose a bit, but have lost that cloudy-headed, pressure-headache feeling.
3) I've been more vigilant about getting adaquate exercise (forgoing potential social activities and dancing in order to do so), which i believe has contributed to some extra endorphins and general "good blood" feelings in my whole system.
4) Summer = good fruits and veggies, and i've been eating pretty healthily lately (although i still maintain my 2 cookie a day quota...)
5) I made use of this big whiteboard at work and have been doing a lot of big picture organization/definition at work, which helps me feel "on top of" my job and prevents me from getting lost in the minutae as much.
Well, the list could go on, but those are the main factors, I believe. I'm not sure which is the most important (although i think the sleep and absence of the cold have a ton to do with it), but I am just feeling more like my normal giddy cheryl self this week. It feels sort of like being reunited with an old friend!
The interesting thing is that I've found myself thinking more interesting thoughts lately, or just...paying attention to my thoughts more...I got totally absorbed yesterday in the car just thinking about "information systems" and "information management," and how I wish i had studied some IT stuff in college, and how there are so many different ways to manage information, and how our brains work, and how little we really know, and then i started to see the potential future Cheryls: neurologist, psych professor, 5th grade teacher, mother, nonprofit exec, daughter, penguin whisperer, and it was just...stimulating, and good. I like thinking!
The weird thing is that my RA (rheumatoid arthritis) is acting up, which usually is correlated with energy lows, feelings of lethargy (relative lethargy...i'm still bouncy cheryl throughout this, but the sinusoidal waves of my bounciness can get more or less intense, hehe)...but in this case, i feel great energy-wise despite my fingers feeling a dull, burning pain off an on throughout the day...i feel very fortunate for that.
Anyway, I just wanted to mark my mood down on paper so that in years to come I can look back and see that August 30, 2006 was a good day to be Cheryl Crow. I suppose the Hurricane Katrina awareness has factored into this perspective as well; hearing so many stories about people who've lost so much makes me feel very lucky to be where I am. | posted by Cheryl, 8/30/2006 05:04:00 PM
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