What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all About???

Why does the "New Orleans" Restaurant rock my world?

There will be more posts devoted to this splendid event in the future, but for now I wanted to post a couple pictures I took at Seattle's New Orleans Restaurant...it's where I go every Thursday from 7-10 to eat good creole food, listen to the Ham Carson band rock some hot jazz, and dance in between the wooden tables and admist the startled/enthusiastic diners, many of whom appear to have never seen Lindy Hop before...

I took a bunch of video clips on my new digital camera but only took a few pictures...here you will see Brian, Jocelyn and I, then a few of Adrienne and I "posin"...

Anyway, the New Orelans experience is the closest I've ever had to being a "regular"...the dancers sit at the same table every week, heckle the band members lovingly, and go absolutely crazy when they are "on"...the band members are mostly older men (we're talking 60 plus) who refuse to let old age stop them from playing on...it's an incredibly inspirational and FUN experience! I can't imagine Thursdays without it...

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| posted by Cheryl, 8/28/2006 02:13:00 PM


I'm still so sad that I've never had the opportunity to go. Possibly, maybe, next Thursday (if I end up taking work off) I can go straight from the New Orleans to the airport for Showdown. Now that would be awesome.
Anonymous Anonymous, at September 06, 2006 1:35 AM  
YES YES YES, you should do it! i will be celebrating my birthday that night!

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